Dowry - A lethal evil act
I was just listening to a talk show in TV regarding dowry and I want to join them and speak, but couldn't. Lot of people are arguing its' because of male and some blames female. Oh! come on, it's because of some evil-human

Just give a moment........ and think about this instance (if you're a male you'' understand this better).
We're living with our parents for say at-least 20 to 25 years. We have our own pleasures, friends, relatives etc., and we're well fitted to this environment. Imagine suddenly your parents say from hereafter you have to live with another family they'll point someone even if we like or don't (not for few months or years but for your whole life) and they'll add if they permits you can visit our home occasionally.
How do you feel? grrrrrrrrrrr, red hot isn't it. Just think. We have to leave all our pleasures which we enjouyed and to go and live in a family whom we don't know, that too in some situation to live in remote places. Oh God! What a sacrifice? really a great sacrifice.
Women do such a great sacrifice. Ironically, to do such a sacrifice the bridegroom's family demands for money and other worldly thing too. In which divine book it is said like this? Are they doing business?
Just think...
If somebody wants to grab us (male) like this do we leave it? What a joke, a female is doing such a great sacrifice and to do that hard act, she has to pay, ridiculous.
Let each one of us take a pledge, that we'll never commit such a toxic suicidal act and we'll pass this message to all especially our youths who if they willed can change everything. We have the right to say No! even to our parents for such an evil act.
Let's not attend any such marriage, and if we do so, keep watching, things will change very soon.
Are you married? !! :(
ReplyDeleteThe philosophy of marriage is the Man (groom) and the Woman (Bride) has to leave their parents and live togather, as family. Both the boy and the girl are expected to leave their parents and have their own seperate new lives. Isn't that wonderful? A new life with a new unknown or known one. New challenges, problems, pleasures and thru it all the boy and the girl are making their lives happen. And they enjoy.
But ironically, our society doesn't follow this nor it is willing to accept this.
What do you say Sheik? :)
Thx, Justus for ur comment. I'm married and I generally talk about a joint family whatever the case women they're doing a great sacrifice, whether they like the groom or not they nod their heads as a respect to parents, especially in our contry, isn't it? - Sheikh